Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. To Dean Acheson, Washington.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Acknowledges Department's secret telegram of Apr. 2 with information of President's invitation to Ambassador [Oscar] Ivanissevich to call at White House, where he was received by President, Senators [Tom] Connally and [Arthur H.] Vandenberg, and Acheson; appreciates this initiative on part of President and thinks it maybe helpful; was surprised at Argentine Ambassador's statement to President that there are no Nazis in Argentina; incredible that his Government should not have kept him informed of its efforts to round up the remaining aliens; has already informed Department Argentine Government doing everything in its power to find remaining aliens - some 20 to 30, using all facilities of police and some sectors of Army throughout the country; photographs along with complete descriptions have been circulated widely; no doubt some of them have fled across border into Chile, Paraguay, or Brazil, where there are large German colonies among whom they may hide; some of them may never be found; Ivanissevich expected today; is certain President Perón will receive President Truman's message in spirit in which it was sent, and will redouble efforts; if Argentine Government cannot locate all of the wanted aliens or even a fair number, believes U.S. should recognize effort has been made in good faith.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.