Messersmith, G.S., Buenos Aires. Desptach No. 2137 to Secretary of State [George C. Marshall], Washington.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Since June 1946 when present Government assumed office Argentine press has been free to print anything it wishes; evidence of this is the press itself; two leading newspapers, La Prensa and La Nacion, both opposition, have been outspoken in criticism of Government; several acts are interpreted as repressive, such as the suit to force La Prensa to pay duty on newsprint and placards denouncing press placed in the streets; Government blamed in some quarters for these acts, but has denied responsibility and there is no evidence that Government had any part in them; both President and Foreign Minister are firm believers in free press, but press also has responsibility to report factually and objectively; cites several instances when inaccurate and misleading information has been published, not only by Argentine but by U.S. press.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.