[Nufer, Albert F.], Havana. Memorandum on visit of Wilson Popenoe.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Popenoe feels outlook for Cuban agriculture hopeful; abundance of good soil which could support many times its present population; lot of the general farmer compares favorably with that of farmers in other Latin American countries; if plan can be worked out for subsistence of mill and cane field workers during dead season Cuba will have taken big step forward; Cuban soil predominantly heavy clay, suitable only for grass crops, including sugar cane and rice; he saw no reason why Cuba could not produce all its rice requirements and more; what Cuba needs urgently is construction of network of secondary or feeder roads to top agricultural regions with little access to market; Popenoe hopes U.S. economic assistance program will include provision for such roads.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.