Messersmith, G.S., Havana. To George E. Quisenberry, New York.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Thanks Quisenberry for letter of June 25 and enclosed copy of letter to [Leo Stanton] Rowe, of Pan American Union; ideas advanced in letter demand careful consideration; Rowe and associates should find it helpful; Pan American Union to prepare agenda for Havana meeting of Foreign Ministers of American States; military front fundamentally important matter for discussion at meeting, but not attainable without solid economic front; delighted with recent speech of [Adolf] Berle in Virginia; cannot risk any weak link in chain of American states; other American countries must realize U.S. is their one solvent customer and friend, and not be taken in by German promises; will be expensive to support economy of Latin American countries, but hopefully program will be of short range; necessary to establish common front at home; incredible that some political leaders making foolish statements for political purposes; thinks press and periodicals should show up how unpatriotic and unwise such political attitudes are; is glad [Henry L.] Stimson and [Frank] Knox have shown their courage.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.