[Messersmith, G.S.], [Washington]. To James [A.] Farrell, New York.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
2 copies. Few people more familiar than Farrell with foreign trade problems; informs Farrell that agreement has been reached among Depts. of Agriculture, Commerce, and State to consolidate Foreign Services of Agriculture and Commerce into that of State; plan has approval of President, who will submit it to Congress within a week; until then matter should be kept confidential; existence of three Foreign Services has led to inconveniences in conduct of foreign relations, friction between Departments and between men in field, and inefficient and expensive duplication of effort; measure will strengthen rather than weaken government's services to business and agriculture; asks that when plan is made public, Farrell will use his influence to curb adverse criticism; hopes to see Farrell in Washington at meeting of Chamber of Commerce.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.