Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. Despatch No. 902 to Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Comments on effects on European situation of Austro-German accord of July 11, 1936; Chancellor has so far held to "Dollfuss Line"; negotiations to improve trade relations between Germany and Austria have come to nothing, but will continue; Germany lifted the 1000 mark visa fee; has not had expected results; no more German tourists in Austria than previously; some had feared an influx of Nazis and increased Nazi propaganda, but fears unrealized; comments in German press following accord showed it did not consider recognition of Austrian independence a permanent thing; belief in some quarters Nazis would be brought into Austrian Cabinet, but so far no indication of such reorganization; Austria intends to continue her independent foreign policy; will not sever connections with League of Nations; will also maintain friendly relations with other Central and Southeastern European countries and with Italy, among which countries there has been a recent exchange of official visits; Chancellor[Schuschnigg] in recent speech before Pan-European Agricultural Congress, made clear Austria's intention to pursue a "middle course" and to cooperate as far as possible economically and politically with other European countries; in talking with a group of intimates confidentially, Chancellor said that in event of war, Austria would hope to maintain a neutral position; Little Entente not in the Moribund condition reported in earlier dispatch; increased German armament program and Franco-Polish accord have strengthened it; in past, Italy has shown no interest in independence of Czechoslovakia but recent German pressure against Czechs brought Italy to realization that disintegration of Czechoslovakia would weaken her own position.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.