Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To William Phillips, Washington.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Enclosure missing. Four deliberative councils, provided for under new Constitution, organized and making fair start; former Burgermeister [Karl] Seitz released from prison on condition he would not engage in political activities; Chancellor [Kurt Schuschnigg] gaining ground with experience and increased self-confidence; Prince [Ernst von] Starhemberg remaining more in background than formerly; he is said to fear attack upon his person; [Franz] von Papen called to Berlin Dec. 1, but is expected back today; von Papen unhappy in Vienna, being socially avoided and making no progress with Austrian government, which has no confidence in him; map being circulated showing Austria as integral part of Germany; terms of Saar settlement not yet made public; if England, France, and Italy did not insist on Germany's giving a binding, public, and unequivocal declaration with respect to Austria, they have missed great opportunity; 1900 Nazi refugees in Yugoslavia taken by German ships to Hamburg; 180 requested return to Austria and were turned over to Austrian authorities; [Anton] von Rintelen still in hospital and under detention; said to be almost recovered and will probably be brought to trial soon, but trial not likely public; has been informed that Austrian government asked press to be restrained in commenting on German rearmament and the Saar question; this was done at request of General [Werner] von Fritsche, Commander in Chief of German Reichswehr; Reichswehr known to oppose political union with Austria; uncertain as to outcome of conversations between Paris and Berlin; French veteran organizations obsessed with fear of another war and have lost confidence in their political leaders; no faith can be placed in Hitler's promises; when [William E.] Dodd first came to Berlin and had his interviews with Hitler, he was impressed by what he believed to be Hitler's sincere and peaceable intentions; Dodd has since learned to measure him by his acts rather than his words; removal of [Helmuth] Bruckner, Nazi leader in Silesia, not to be interpreted as change to now reasonable attitude by Party; anti-Jewish measures in Germany continue; [Alfred] Rosenberg and [Julius] Streicher still active; church struggle goes on; [Wilhelm] Furtwangler and Erich Kleiber, two leading conductors Germany has left, recently resigned because they could not stand conditions imposed on them; forcing out of Count [Rudiger] von der Goltz as "Führer der Deutscher Wirtschaft" cannot be considered step in moderate direction; von der Goltz was causing trouble for [Hjalmar] Schacht, who has task of keeping prices down; von der Goltz replaced by [Ewald] Hecker, who is a good man, but who can accomplish nothing under present regime; Yugoslavia quiet; correspondents just back reports prospects good for forming new Ministry with Croat and Slovene representation; interrupted this letter yesterday to attend reception given by wife of Foreign Minister to diplomatic corps; was talking with British colleague, Sir Walford Selby, when [Franz] von Papen walked up and started political discussion; made memorandum of what was said; appending copy to this letter; British colleague remarked that it is plain from this conversation what England and France can expect, and Germany will, after the Saar, concentrate on treaty revision and further concessions.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.