Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To William Phillips, Washington.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Recounts events of July 25 leading to death of Dollfuss and of days following; radio station taken by Nazis and announcement made that Dollfuss government had resigned and that [Anton] Rintelen was forming new government; Foreign Office, where Cabinet meeting was being held, occupied by 150 Nazis, Dollfuss shot, and other occupants of building held as hostages; building quickly surrounded by police and troops; Nazis, realizing putsch had failed, asked for safe conduct to German frontier as price for delivery, unharmed, of hostages; authorities, not knowing Dollfuss was dead, agreed, and Nazis asked for [Karl] Rieth, German Minister, to witness agreement; on discovery of Dollfuss' death, authorities, no longer bound by agreement, captured and imprisoned Nazis; expected revolt of population did not occur; putsch undertaken with knowledge of and likely at instigation of German government; Rieth recalled and [Franz] von Papen appointed as his successor; [Kurt] Schuschnigg named new Chancellor; Rintelen arrested and attempted suicide, but expected to recover; Austrian Legion massed in Bavaria on Austrian border; prompt action by Mussolini in placing two corps of Italian troops on Austro-Italian border probably prevented Nazi invasion; Austria now quiet, though under martial law; some clashes between Nazis and Heimwehr, supported by Austrian troops; leader of Nazi putsch and man who shot Dollfuss tried and executed; new government to continue Dollfuss policy.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.