Effects of acidic litter amendments with multiple application on ammonia, microbial environment, production performances, and health of broilers

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University of Delaware
High ammonia (NH3 ) levels in poultry production houses can have damaging effects on the birds inside, such as respiratory disease outbreaks, reduced growth rate, high mortality and low feed efficiency. Acid based litter amendments have been wildly used in broiler operations to reduce NH 3 concentration during the brooding period. Laboratory and small-scale field studies showed that frequent litter amendment application during grow-out could significantly reduce NH3 emission and improve production performances. Two studies were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of frequent PLT application on air emissions and bacterial load and to compare the effectiveness of Klasp and Al+ Clear with PLT on reducing ammonia while not adversely impacting the health of the birds. Using a commercial broiler farm, the first study evaluated the effects of frequent PLT application during a 6-wk grow out by looking at air emissions and bacterial load in the litter. Two identical broiler houses were used, with one house having PLT applied twice with a rate of 244 g per m 2 (50 lb per 1000 ft 2 ) on days 21 and 35 and the other serving as control. NH3 emissions and concentration were monitored throughout. Litter samples were collected three times per flock then diluted and applied to Petrifilm(TM) plates to be incubated, counted and compared. Immunoassays tested for presence or absence of Salmonella and Campylobacter. Results indicated frequent litter amendment application significantly reduced NH3 emissions and concentration and improved performance. There was no significant difference between the houses in the quantities of aerobic, coliforms and yeasts and molds. There was no growth of Salmonella in the treated house, but no effect on Campylobacter. The second study compared the effectiveness of Al + Clear and Klasp to PLT in reducing ammonia while not negatively affecting the birds. Three flocks of 30 birds were raised in isolated emission chambers for a standard grow-out period. Beginning on day 21, the three amendments were applied at two different rates (high - 976 g/m 2 and low - 244 g/m 2 ) for a total of six treatments weekly until the end of the flock. Amendments were also applied to feeders (1.4 g/bird for high and 0.35 g/bird for low) to simulate spreading in commercial production. Throughout the flock, NH3 emissions and growth performance were observed. At the end of each flock the birds were euthanized and necropsied to evaluate the health. The results of this study showed no adverse effects on bird performance and health when amendments were applied weekly from 3-wk of age. PLT was the most effective at controlling ammonia while Al+ Clear was the least.