Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.2011-06-152011-06-151939-09-251284-00 on probable alignment and prospects of Italy, Turkey, the Balkans, Scandinavia, Belgium and Holland; particularly the German-Russian relationship; emphasizes distinction should be made between German people and Hitler regime; suggests way to stop the war; England and France must take initiative; enumerates concessions which might be made to Germany and demands which must be made of her, first of which would be to get rid of Hitler and associates; Versailles mistakes should not be made again; author of memoranda unnamed, but says he is German Nationalist, a product of Prussian milieu, and possibly biased.Typed Document Copy, 38 p.en-USMessersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.Three memoranda on present position of individual European countries.OtherMSS 109