Bailey, Brian2017-05-262017-05-261997Bailey, B. (1997). Survey of Southbridge Residents, Wilmington, Delware. Newark, DE: Center for Community Development & Family Policy; College of Urban Affairs and Public Policy; University of Delaware. information contained in this report has been derived from a survey of residents of Wilmington's Southbridge neighborhood. The survey was conducted door-to-door to survey neighborhood residents regarding their demographic characteristics, the most serious problems in Southbridge, political and organizational behavior, familiarity and use of Neighborhood House, banking use and needs, neighborhood commercial and service needs, opinions about the development of the waterfront, perceptions of the environment in and around Southbridge, and household problems.SouthbridgeSouthbridge residentsWilmington, DelawareSurveySurvey of Southbridge Residents, Wilmington, Delaware