Sheppard, Rebecca J.Shaw, StephanieWalker, VictoriaToney, KimberlyCole, Anna BlinnLodal, GenaSelway, RachelOlsen, AllisonSchmidt, Laura2009-09-232009-09-232009 report is a survey and physical evaluation of historic properties outside of the National Register of Historic Places Milton Historic District in the Town of Milton, Sussex County, Delaware (S-1110). The purpose of this report is four-fold: 1) to report the initial documentation of the historic properties in the form of a cultural resource survey; 2) to identify the properties potentially eligible for inclusion in an expansion of the existing National Register district; 3) to identify properties that should be protected for the good of the town by a local historic zoning ordinance; 4) and to expand the historic background of the survey area into the late twentieth century and to recognize the roles played by people of color. The Town of Milton hired the Center for Historic Architecture and Design (CHAD), University of Delaware, to conduct this survey in two phases, from September 2007 through January 2009. Funding for the work was provided by the town, a matching funds CLG grant from the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs, and matching funds from CHAD.Milton, DelawareSussex County, DelawareCultural Resource Survey and Evaluation Report: Milton, DelawareOther