Patterson, TheodoreGillespie, Ryan2012-01-312012-01-312012-01-31 by the Delaware Department of TransportationThe purpose of this working paper is to document the research on the roles of responsibility and options for improving pedestrian lighting in unincorporated areas in Delaware. As a result of northern Delaware’s unique location within the Northeast corridor and southern Delaware’s tourist attractions and beaches, transportation challenges will revolve around improving current infrastructure to adapt and accommodate multiple modes of transportation in the 21st century. A road network that is accessible and integrated with bus routes, pedestrian connections, bike lanes, and rail transport is a network that will be well positioned to handle northern Delaware’s growing demand for efficient transportation systems. Unincorporated areas of Kent and Sussex Counties will require enhancements to transportation networks as Delaware’s population expands from urban northern Delaware to the more suburban and rural southern areas of the state. While pedestrian-lighting is desirable, there are several issues regarding lighting responsibilities within unincorporated areas of Delaware that include the following: • Determining options for fixture-styles • Financing capital costs for the purchase of poles and fixtures • Installing and maintaining the fixtures over the long term • Light-pollution mitigation • Financing annual maintenance costs and improvements This working paper reviews current practices in Delaware, explores topics and problem areas related to pedestrian lighting and provides a comprehensive set of recommendations and best practices for addressing pedestrian lighting in unincorporated areas of Delaware. This work includes input and recommendations from a working group of community representatives and government officials within unincorporated areas of Delaware who impact and are impacted by pedestrian-lighting policy.en-USpedestrian lightingtransportationpedestrian infrastructureunincorporated areasDelawarePedestrian-Lighting Options and Roles of Responsibility Within Unincorporated Delaware Communities - A Working PaperWorking Paper