Varley, Elizabeth2007-11-142007-11-141995 name du Pont is closely associated with fine gardens and gardening expertise, especially to those horticulturists living in the Brandywine Valley of southeastern Pennsylvania and northern Delaware. Not only have family members been creating gardens in the area for almost two hundred years, they have endowed several institutions with their ideals and finances so that this legacy can continue. This work investigates what some family members feel about the legacy of horticulture which is identifiable to those looking from outside the family. The research consisted of conducting interviews with family members and with various people in the field of public horticulture, reviewing past histories of the family, and documenting family member's horticultural achievements. It discusses some of the early history and philosophy of the family, tying in ideas brought from France with the family's ongoing interest in the art of gardening. Further, the accomplishments, such as awards and service to the field of public horticulture of some of the more notable members, are detailed. While the days of expansive garden building on the part of the du Ponts may be finished, the legacy of horticulture will continue to build upon the foundations already in place and, more importantly, through family members offering their insight and expertise to public horticulture in the Brandywine Valley.Note: Except for the faculty signature page, which was not digitized, the entire thesis was scanned as formatted by the author.en-USHistory- Longwood GardensHistory- public gardenDu Pont familyLongwood GardensWinterthurThe duPont Family Legacy of Horticulture in the Brandywine ValleyThesis