Solano, PaulMcDuffie, MaryJoanGill, James2017-06-022017-06-022003Solano, P., McDuffie, M. J., & Gill, J. (2003). Financial Benefits of the Community Health Access Program: Cost Savings through Reductions of Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations. Newark, DE: Health Services Policy Research Group, Center for Community Research and Service, School of Administration and Public Policy, University of Delaware. report describes the evaluation of whether financial cost savings have been (and can be) realized through the implementation of the State of Delaware’s Community Healthcare Access Program (CHAP).Community Health Access ProgramEmergency departmentHealth emergenciesHospitalsHospitalizationsHealth care costsHealth insuranceFinancial Benefits of the Community Health Access Program: Cost Savings through Reductions of Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations