Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.2011-06-152011-06-151935-12-200634-00 developments in European situation; British opinion did not accept Anglo-French proposals to Mussolini and forced [Sir Samuel] Hoare out of office; [Pierre] Laval's position threatened; calls attention to three articles in London Times of Dec. 16, two on Anglo-French proposal and one on Jews under Nazis; Foreign Minister reports Anglo-French proposal aroused protests in Geneva from Russia, Little Entente states, Scandinavian countries and Holland; protests had effect in London and Paris; in England too was realization that the Hoare-Laval proposals were repudiation of basis on which Government had come into power through recent elections; [Eduard] Herriot, head of Radical Party in France, resigned his post in protest; France must decide whether she will stick by England in a policy of collective security; Mussolini committed to such a degree not likely to back down without fighting; England and France would have support of every other country in Europe except Germany; Germany not likely to move for she is not yet ready for war; in reaching these conclusions, has not failed to take Russia and Far East into consideration but thinks Italian and German problems more pressing at present; has no love for dictatorships, but Russia, for whatever purpose, is willing to cooperate with Western Europe for the present; Austria watching developments closely; elections of [Eduard] Benes as President in Czechoslovakia received in Austria with satisfaction; situation in Germany not improved; Hitler, through [Rudolf] Hess, has ordered Austrian Legion to cease agitation for the present; his Austrian policy unchanged, but he didn't want Austrian question to embarrass him in his dealings with other powers; hopes Building Commission when it meets in January will decide to buy present residence; other buyers are after it but U.S. has option until Jan. 15.Typed Letter Copy, 10 p.en-USMessersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To James Clement Dunn, Washington.OtherMSS 109