Sherretz, Kelly L.2018-06-112018-06-112016-10 following is a summary of takeaways from the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 2016 Conference held on October 26th and explores national and local insights, an implementation strategy for Delaware, the importance of statewide accountability, and school supports and interventions. The event was co-sponsored by the Institute for Public Administration and Delaware Academy for School Leadership at the University of Delaware, in cooperation with the Delaware Association of School Administrators, Delaware School Boards Association, Delaware State Education Association, and Delaware State PTA.en-USESSAEvery Student Succeeds ActSummary of the School Leader Professional Development Series: The Opportunities and Challenges of Implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 2016 ConferenceEvery Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 2016 Conference TakeawaysTechnical Report