Shepperson, Barbara A.Janerette, Dariel2007-10-022007-10-022007-08 Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) contracted with the University of Delaware’s Education Research and Development Center (R & D Center) to help evaluate the Delaware State Improvement Grant (DelaSIG). As part of the reporting of Delaware’s State Improvement Grant (DelaSIG), the Delaware Education Research and Development Center (R & D Center) completed a study on the classroom instructional activities of teachers who attended either one or both Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) professional development program(s) designed to help focus teacher instruction of struggling readers in Grades 4 through 12, Success for Secondary Struggling Readers (SSSR) Institute I or Implementing Multiple Practices for Activating Comprehension in Teaching (IMPACT) Reading training, also known as SSSR Institute II. This strand of the evaluation plan, the classroom observations at the 4-12 grade levels, was completed first in 2006 and again in 2007. Here, results from this year’s classroom observations provide a detailed look at the instruction and instructional activities within the randomly selected classrooms.Struggling ReadersState Improvement GrantEvaluation of Delaware’s State Improvement Grant: 2007 4-12 SSSR/IMPACT Classroom ObservationsTechnical Report