Schwartz, Hannah2017-09-122017-09-122017-05 labels influence adults’ placement of category boundaries, more so than numbers or symbols. In this experiment, adults were asked to categorize perceptually ambiguous stimuli, either using label, number, or symbol cues to assist them in their categorization decision. In addition, some participants were instructed to ignore the cues (Accidental condition), some were instructed to pay attention and use the cues to help them in their decision (Intentional condition), and others were not made explicitly aware of the cues (Neutral condition). We found was that participants were significantly less likely to remember the symbol cues than either the label or number cues regardless of condition. Furthermore, participants attended to linguistic labels to aid in their categorization task more so than other cues. Our findings are consistent with previous research that attests that linguistic labels are influential in aiding category formation.LABELS, CATEGORIZATION, LinguisticsADULTS’ USE OF LABELS IN CATEGORIZATIONThesis