Shepperson, Barbara A.Janerette, Dariel2007-10-022007-10-022007-08 objective of the Delaware State Improvement Grant (DelaSIG) is that pre-k teachers will implement scientifically based activities to teach pre-literacy/literacy skills. As part of the reporting of the DelaSIG, the Delaware Education Research and Development Center (R & D Center) requested survey data from participants who attended the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) professional development program(s) designed to help focus pre-k teacher early literacy instruction. To help reach this objective, pre-k teacher literacy training modules were first implemented during the 2004–2005 school year and continued to be offered through 2007. To facilitate the evaluation of the trainings, pre-k teacher survey data was sought from all identified module participants.Pre-KLiteracyEvaluation of Delaware's State improvement Grant: 2007 Pre-K Teacher SurveyTechnical Report