Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.2011-06-152011-06-151936-11-060752-00 at President's reelection; commends Hull on trade agreements program; wishes for Hull successful trip to South America; important events in Austria have been election in farmer group and reorganization of Cabinet; election among labor group planned; new Cabinet strong and has popular support; Little Entente and Balkan Union looked forward to Vienna Conference of Rome Protocol States with mingled hope and fear; hoped Italian interest in Central and Southeast Europe might counterweigh increasing German political and economic pressure; Austria prepared to act as bridge between Rome Protocol States, Little Entente, and Balkan Union; hopes for fruitful results from conference destroyed by [Galeazzo] Ciano's Berlin conversations and Mussolini's speech supporting Hungary's revisionist aspirations; no definite information as to what took place on Ciano's visit to Germany; Ciano said to be overawed by German military power; Austrian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs said Austrian position while better internally, was growing constantly more difficult because of pressure from both Berlin and Rome; Conference may produce negative results; if Italians bring up Hungary's revisionist question, Austria will object, for she knows revisionist claims cannot be realized without war; Ciano expected in Vienna Nov. 9; has let it be known he expects to be entertained before Conference; King Carol's visit to Prague significant; subject probably discussed was passage of Russian troops through Rumania to Czechoslovakia; Foreign Secretary raised question of Austrian trade agreement with U.S.; if Austrians take initiative, thinks U.S. should be receptive; situation in Germany no better, nor likely to be; [Hjalmar] Schacht now for devaluation, but Hitler opposed; Schacht tried to resign but was not allowed; [Hermann] Goering in charge of four-year plan, but no one in industrial and financial circles believes it can be carried through; Germany cannot be self-sufficient; from practical, technical, and material resources point of view the plan is impossible; anti-Jewish movement continues unabated; radical element still in control; [Anthony] Eden's speech [on Nov. 4] was masterpiece of restraint and power; he can be sure that his message got across in Germany; German Army disturbed; they fear Hitler is beside himself and out of control; he will hardly leave Berchtesgaden and almost impossible for anyone other than his cronies to see him; U.S. beset on all sides by those who want money; [Hans Heinrich] Dieckoff will try to get money and trade concessions for Germany, [Fulvio] Suvich will try to get them for Italy, and the French will make an even more determined effort; heard that German organization in America had mandate to work in election to defeat Roosevelt; existence of such organizations should be recognized and guarded against; German offensive against Communism has for object isolation of Russia and consequent weakening of English and French position; emphasis on Communist activities in other countries only a cover-up for Nazi activities in other countries; much corruption within Party; well known that Hitler, Goering, Goebbels, [Walter] Darre, and [Robert] Ley have become very rich; [Wilhelm] Kube, one of the great men of the Party, also enriched himself, but was indiscreet and got caught; he was murdered or committed suicide during Olympic Games; visitors to Germany continue to return home with glowing reports, but they do not get true picture; although Austria has little hope of any good coming out of Vienna Conference, arrangements are made for imposing reception and entertainment; theatrical performance to be given at Schönbrunn Palace on Nov. 9 and big dinner, also at Schönbrunn on the 11th, to both of which the Diplomatic Corps is invited.Typed Letter Copy, 18 p.en-USMessersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To Cordell Hull, Washington.OtherMSS 109