martin, Claire2018-09-282018-09-282018-05 thesis attempts to compile what is known about the life and works of the Scottish artist Carton Moore-Park (1876-1956), an artist lost to time with a large and relatively unknown body of work including illustrations for children’s books, portrait paintings, and prints. This is an exploration of the development of Moore-Park’s career beginning with his start as a freelance newspaper illustrator and following up until the end of his career in the late 1930s. His personal life and relations are also included. His first book An Alphabet of Animals, published in 1899, is represented in the Mark Samuels Lasner collection in the University of Delaware Library along with original prints and sketches for the book. These materials were conserved and acted as a starting point for research into Moore-Park’s career. Moore-Park’s style of illustration and painting are also compared to other artists and schools of this period, especially for those who specialized in animal portraiture.Art Conservation, Carton Moore-ParkTHE ABC’S OF CARTON MOORE-PARKThesis