Obozintsev, Lucy2019-01-172019-01-172018http://udspace.udel.edu/handle/19716/24048This study explores the nature of news media coverage regarding artificial intelligence (A.I.) and its effects on audience members’ opinions about this technology. A small-scale content analysis of three major newspapers and one cable news network revealed that the “social progress” and “Pandora’s box/Frankenstein’s monster/runaway science” frames were the two most common ones in A.I. coverage., and that the majority of stories and segments portrayed this technology in a positive manner. To explore how exposure to such frames impacts audience perceptions of A.I., an experiment was conducted among students at a Mid-Atlantic university. The results demonstrate that exposure to an article including both a social progress frame and a Pandora’s box frame resulted in stronger positive emotions. Neither frame produced any other discernible effects on emotional responses to, perceptions of, or opinions about A.I. Thus, the findings suggest that framing this technology in a positive manner while also addressing popular concerns may be a particularly effective strategy for promoting positive feelings about it, if not for shaping other aspects of public opinion. Results from the content analysis and experimental participants’ open-ended answers also suggest that images of threatening computers and killer robots in entertainment media resonate with audience members and provide a foundation for their understanding of A.I.From Skynet to Siri: an exploration of the nature and effects of media coverage of artificial intelligenceThesis10825184102018-10-18en