DeSantis, Brandon M.Kalman, Victor R.Browne, Steven2022-06-022022-06-022021-09-24DeSantis, Brandon M., Victor R. Kalman, and Steven Browne. 2022. “Antigravity Treadmill in Rehabilitation After Hip Labral Repair Arthroscopy.” International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training 27 (2): 69–73. author manuscript version reprinted, by permission, from International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, 2022, 27, 69-73, © Human Kinetics, Inc.Antigravity treadmills are being used in rehabilitation programs but have not been used consistently with posthip labral repair arthroscopy surgeries. The purpose of this study was to review the posthip labral protocol used by eight National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I collegiate athletes (all ages 18–21) from multiple sports that used the antigravity treadmill as a bridge between “no running” and “on-ground running.” The authors found that athletes who did this returned to play between 4.5 and 7 months, had a better overall functional status, and had no re-injuries. This is the first known study of its kind available in the literature.en-USbody weight supported treadmillFAIhip arthroscopyrunning progressionAntigravity Treadmill in Rehabilitation After Hip Labral Repair ArthroscopyArticle