Sherretz, Kelly L.Moore, LeannQaissaunee, Haley2019-05-012019-05-012019-05 Purchase of Care (POC) Program in Delaware is a subsidy that provides support for early childhood and after-school education for children from birth through age 12 living within 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Limit. Funding for POC comes from federal and state sources, which help low-income families pay for their child care so that parents or guardians can work or receive workforce training. As indicated in the pie chart, Delaware’s POC funding comes almost equally from federal and state sources. The Delaware Division of Social Services (DSS) is responsible for setting the standards and distributing the benefit to Delawareans.en-USPurchase of Care Programchild care developmentchildcaresocial servicesDelaware social servicesPurchase of Care 101A fact sheet from the Institute for Public AdministrationTechnical Report