Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.2011-06-152011-06-151933-03-210122-00 [Paul Joseph] Goebbels gave press interview as to aims of his Ministry; all possible means of propaganda, press, radio, films, theater, public education to be under his Ministry; he is quoted, "Our task is to prepare a propaganda program through which eventually the whole of the people will be drawn to our side;" no criticism of government to be allowed; only a subservient press will be tolerated; daily radio broadcasts to U.S. include music and news in English and German; broadcasts short wave and not likely to reach many listeners.Typed Document Copy, 8 p.en-USMessersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.Messersmith, G.S., Berlin. Despatch No. 1195 to the Secretary of State [Cordell Hull], Washington.OtherMSS 109