Di Toro, Dominic M.Mahoney, John D.2005-07-262005-07-261984-10http://udspace.udel.edu/handle/19716/1422This progress report contains research performed for both the EPA Narragansett Environmental Research Laboratory and the NOAA Office of Marine Pollution Assessment. The topic of each project is similar - the particles being investigated are quite different (Sewage Sludge and Dredged Material). It is felt that it would be more instructive to combine the progress reports in order to highlight the similarities found for both types of materials and to present a more comprehensive discussion of the status of the sorption model.5845600 bytesapplication/pdfen-USAdsorptionDesorptionDredged MaterialContaminantsStudies Of Adsorption-Desorption and Partitioning Of Dredged Material ContaminantsTechnical Report