Sabo, Eric2015-07-242015-07-242014 consider well-motivated particle physics corrections to the standard supersymmetric hybrid inflation scenario. By allowing certain higher order, Planck scale suppressed, R -symmetry violating operators in the superpotential, we are able to give masses to right-handed neutrinos without negatively affecting the down-type quarks. We provide an example with minimal Kahler potential, with the R -symmetry breaking term relevant during inflation being αS4 , where S denotes the well-known gauge singlet inflaton superfield. The inflationary potential takes into account the radiative and supergravity corrections, as well as the soft supersymmetry breaking terms. For successful inflation, with the scalar spectral index in the currently preferred range, n s [approximate] 0.9603 we find |α| < 10-7 . The tensor to scalar ratio r < 10-4 , while |d n s /d ln k | ~ O (10-3 ) - O (10-4 ).Supersymmetry.Particles (Nuclear physics)Inflationary universe.Symmetry (Physics)Neutrinos.Quarks.R-symmetry violation in an era of precision cosmologyThesis914338434