Kee, Nathaniel Dylan2016-04-112016-04-112015, massive stars (spectral types O and B) have extreme luminosities (104 − 106L ) that drive strong stellar winds through UV line-scattering. Some massive stars also have disks, formed by either decretion from the star (as in the rapidly rotating “Classical Be stars”), or accretion during the star’s formation. Extending the winddeveloped Sobolev methods for line radiative transfer, this dissertation examines the role of stellar radiation in driving (ablating) material away from these circumstellar disks. A key result is that the observed month to year decay of optically thin Be disks can be explained by line-driven ablation without, as was done in previous work, appealing to anomalously strong viscous diffusion. Moreover, the higher luminosity of O stars leads to ablation of optically thin disks on dynamical timescales of order a day, providing a natural explanation for the lack of observed Oe stars. In addition to the destruction of Be disks, this dissertation also introduces a model for their formation via “Pulsationally Driven Orbital Mass Ejection”. This “PDOME” model couples observationally inferred non-radial pulsation modes and rapid stellar rotation to launch material into orbiting Keplerian disks of Be-like densities. In contrast to such Be decretion disks, star-forming accretion disks are much denser and so are generally optically thick to continuum processes like electron scattering. To circumvent the computational challenges associated with long-characteristic radiation hydrodynamics through optically thick media, we develop an approximate method for treating optically thick continuum absorption in the limit of geometrically thin disks. The comparison of ablation with and without continuum absorption shows that accounting for disk optical thickness leads to less than a 50% reduction in ablation rate, implying that ablation rate is largely independent of disk mass, and depends mainly on stellar properties like luminosity. Finally, as a side problem, we discuss the role of “thin-shell mixing” in reducing X-rays from colliding wind binaries. Laminar, adiabatic shocks produce well understood X-ray emission, but the emission from radiatively cooled shocks is more complex due to thin-shell instabilities. The parameter study conducted here systematically varies colliding wind binary shock densities to determine scaling relations for this emission. A key result is that, in the limit of strongly radiatively cooled shocks, emission is reduced by a fixed factor ∼ 50 from analytic scalings that ignore thin-shell structure.Stars -- Radiation.Disks (Astrophysics)X-rays.Stellar winds.Radiative ablation of disks around massive starsThesis946313139