Scott, MarciaCalkins, AllisonCoons, Robert2010-12-222010-12-222010-12-22 recent years, a new vision for transportation policy and planning has emerged that includes a focus on community livability, transportation accessibility, and transportation equity. Livable communities integrate transportation and land-use planning to achieve more sustainable growth, development, and accessibility of residents. The new vision for transportation policy and planning also stresses the need to invest in transportation accessibility—or multi-modal transportation systems that serve people of all ages, abilities, ethnicities, and incomes. Transportation and land-use planning need to be assimilated to manage growth, focus on infill development, preserve community character, and provide equitable and accessible transportation options. Delaware’s changing demographic landscape—particularly its growing senior population— elevates the need to develop transportation options that accommodate all users and abilities, increase connectivity among modal options, link transportation and land-use planning, and create communities that are more livable and accessible.en-USmobility, quality of life, walking, biking, healthy living, infrastructure, planning, DelawareEnhancing Mobility to Improve Quality of Life for DelawareansOther