Loughlin, EmilyMcColl, RebeccaNescott, Erin2022-06-012022-06-012022-06https://udspace.udel.edu/handle/19716/30927CCRS has released a new brief regarding Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) both in Delaware and across the United States and the Delaware programs related to it. Through the brief, CCRS Graduate Research Assistant Emily Loughlin, along with Assistant Policy Scientists Becky McColl and Erin Nescott provide an overview of NAS, its implications on an individual and society, and the initiatives that have been implemented to support pregnant and potentially pregnant people at risk for having babies with NAS. The text provides a snapshot of Delaware’s high NAS incidence relative to its neighboring states in the context of the state’s elevated rates of opioid use disorder, building on the authors’ previous brief. It concludes with a reminder that, although rates have decreased in recent years, NAS is still more common in Delaware than in bordering states, indicating that there is yet more space for improving prevention programs.NASDelawareNeonatal Abstinence SyndromeNeonatal Abstinence Syndrome: An Overview of Delaware and National Data