Morgan, Paige2019-11-212019-11-212018-08-07Paige C. Morgan (2018) The consequences of framing digital humanities tools as easy to use, College & Undergraduate Libraries, DOI: 10.1080/10691316.2018.14804401545-2530 is the accepted manuscript of an article published in College & Undergraduate Libraries on August 7, 2018, available online (version of record) at Taylor and Francis Online: article examines the recurring ways in which some of the most popular DH tools are presented as easy to use. It argues that attempts to couch powerful tools in what is often false familiarity, directly undermines the goal of encouraging scholarly innovation and risk taking. The consequences of framing digital tools as either easy or more difficult shapes the relationship between librarians and the students and faculty whose research they support, and, more broadly, the role and viability of libraries as spaces devoted to skill acquisition.libraries, digital pedagogy, critical pedagogy, digital tools, digital humanities, digital scholarshipThe Consequences of Framing Digital Humanities Tools as Easy to UseArticle