Curtis, KarenCopeland, Ivory2017-06-012017-06-012003Curtis, K. A., & Copeland, I. (2003). The Impact of Welfare Reform on Nonprofits and the People They Serve in Delaware. Newark, DE: Center for Community Research & Service; University of Delaware. study assesses the extent to which the devolution of welfare reform (known as A Better Chance or ABC) has affected the ability of nonprofits in Delaware to respond effectively to client needs and the nature of changes in nonprofit organizational structures, administrative processes, and inter-organizational relationships. Data collection included a mailed survey to social service programs, three focus groups, and in-depth interviews with welfare reform contractors.WelfareWelfare reformNonprofitsNonprofit serviceNonprofit agenciesNGOsThe Impact of Welfare Reform on Nonprofits and the People They Serve in Delaware