Sparks, Erin E.2022-09-302022-09-302022-09-14Sparks, E.E. (2022), Maize plants and the brace roots that support them. New Phytol. article was originally published in New Phytologist. The version of record is available at: roots are a unique but poorly understood set of organs found in some large cereal crops such as maize. These roots develop from aerial stem nodes and can remain aerial or grow into the ground. Despite their name, the function of these roots to brace the plant was only recently shown. In this article, I discuss the current understanding of brace root function and development, as well as the multitude of open questions that remain about these fascinating organs.en-USadventitiousbiomechanicsdevelopmentlodgingnodalrootsMaize plants and the brace roots that support themArticle