[page 1] Port Royal S.C. March th 13. 1863 I take my pen in hand to let you no that we are all ell at present and hope these fiew lines will find you the same I received your letter wich was dated Feb the 26 on Tuesday th 10 of March well I must tell you we had a great tramp this morning or rather last night the long role sounded las night about twelve Oclock and we skedadled into lines like so many rats and marched for the outer picket line when we got their the rebels had their game and gon they took five of the 9 mane Regt four of the Signel core one of the Signel core was a Lewtenant and they took him out of bed and marched him off in his shirt tail they sa that the [page 2] Poor felow [coaled] coaxed hard for them the rebels to give him time to put on his pants but it was all of no use they marched them off on double Quick time so one of the men sais that they dident git I pitty the men of the Signel core but as for the 9 mane men I hope they will tar and feather them for they wasent on their guard they was all a sleep but one man and he had his cortrage box off and no lode in his gun this is the cind of solders the eastern beggars is on the poste whare they was taken five men culd wip a company if they had bin o their guard their was only twenty rebbels I have spent meny a hour on the same post and I no that it is all carelesness the exhabition haint started yet but we are still expecting to eavrey day their is a great [page 3] Potracted meeten goen on in the 76th Regt. p.v. and they have great spectens it is like a camp meeten for they do some of they bigest cind of shauten about twenty of our company has got religen and some nights they shout and earey on nrealy all night this is the second letter that I have rote to you since I sent the check and I [g] hante hurd from it yet I shall have to close for this time no more pleas write soon good by From G K Pierce to Elias Pierce of Aron I forgot to say that I got that mesage and red it and it [illegible] me up to time it will make me fight