Messersmith, G.S., Mexico City. Despatch No. 21,476 to Secretary of State, Washington.

Author(s)Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.en_US
Temporal1944 November 17en_US
Date Accessioned2011-06-15T18:28:48Z
Date Available2011-06-15T18:28:48Z
Publication Date1944-11-17en_US
DescriptionEnclosure: See No. 1656. Just had long conversation with Foreign Minister [Ezequiel] Padilla on basis of Department's telegram of Nov. 16 and telephone conversations with [Norman] Armour and [Carl B.] Spaeth; made it clear to Padilla that U.S. would prefer to discuss post-war problems at meeting of Foreign Ministers without presence of Argentina as long as present regime remained in control, but would not oppose Padilla's continuing his consultations; Padilla believes two points must be emphasized: (1) fulfilling of Argentine commitments not yet complied with and (2) the calling of a free elections in Argentina; Padilla believes it would be helpful if State Department sends telegrams to all its Chiefs of Mission in American republics stating U.S. acceptance of central points of Mexican memorandum with instructions to so inform the respective Foreign offices.en_US
Physical MediumTyped Document Copy, 6 p.en_US
CollectionMSS 109en_US
Other Identifier1655-00en_US
PublisherUniversity of Delaware Library, Museums and Pressen_US
KeywordsMessersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.en_US
TitleMessersmith, G.S., Mexico City. Despatch No. 21,476 to Secretary of State, Washington.en_US
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