The Immortal King Rao
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American Historical Review
Vauhini Vara. The Immortal King Rao. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2022.
“We should be free to pursue our ambitions” (Chinna Rao, owner, coconut grove)
“My ambition is to program” (King Rao)
The Immortal King Rao is an innovative piece of writing that captures the social life of caste and provides a rich ethnography of Dalit ambition, initiative, and achievement through hard work. Several reviewers have written of the novel’s dystopian themes, the existence of a single shareholder’s government managed by an algorithm that has replaced nation-states, and the “exes” or large groups of people who have rejected this system and live in autonomous island zones. Vauhini Vara uses this original framework to offer new insights into Dalit lives by showcasing Dalit ambition and achievement, simultaneously tracing Dalit lives and mobility in India and in the United States while also expanding the genre of caste fiction. As a Dalit woman whose father grew up on a coconut farm in India, Vara has written a formidable novel on breaking free from the shackles of caste through education and migration—in India and abroad.
This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in American Historical Review following peer review. The version of record Ramnarayan S Rawat, The Immortal King Rao, The American Historical Review, Volume 129, Issue 3, September 2024, Pages 1029–1031, is available online at:
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Ramnarayan S Rawat, The Immortal King Rao, The American Historical Review, Volume 129, Issue 3, September 2024, Pages 1029–1031,