Implementing complete streets in small towns and rural communities: case study: Millsboro, Delaware
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University of Delaware
There is growing momentum across the United Stated to implement complete streets in every corner of the country. Federal agencies have promoted the practice for decades and over the last 15 years, the term complete streets has been growing rapidly in popularity. Cities and towns have increasingly been incorporating them into their policies and guidance for new development and redevelopment of existing areas. Examples of successful complete streets can be found around the world and here in the United States, but how does small town America implement complete streets? How does a small town, with limited existing infrastructure and limited economic means make the shift toward economic resurgence within their town limits? ☐ This thesis reviews existing international and national complete streets, current guidance and presents a procedure for assessing and implementing complete streets. This study focuses on what generalized approaches can be used in a rural setting and identifies a process by which any small town or rural community can proceed step-by-step to promote complete streets based on principles from successful urban and suburban examples here in the USA and internationally.
Accessibility, Agreements, Complete streets, Rural communities