[Geist], Raymond [H.], Washington. To G.S. Messersmith, Havana.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Glad to hear Messersmith comfortably settled; hopes Mrs. Messersmith's knee will soon be cured; agrees with Messersmith and would strongly oppose sending Ambassador to Germany; believes U.S. should give allies all planes wanted and not allow U.S. Army orders to hold up shipments; is afraid position Germany will have secured in Scandinavia, Low Countries, and Balkans by end of year will be so strong that U.S. help for allies may be too late; rape of Denmark and Norway seems to have made no striking impression on U.S.; general attitude is "What can we do about it?"; took over office [of Division of Commercial Relations] April 1; cordial relations between office and Dept. of Commerce and fine cooperation; speaking at meeting of U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Apr. 30, and during Foreign Trade Week have speeches scheduled for Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Charleston, and Chicago; knows nothing of talks [Sumner] Welles had in Europe; neither he nor President has made any announcement; maybe after election administration will have free hand to lead American people to join battle for civilization; is busy, not only with job, but preparing speeches and lecturing at Foreign Service School; thanks Messersmith for backing him for promotion to present position; Lothrap Stoddard, back from Germany, writing book called "Into the Darkness"; was asked to read manuscript; condemned the book as Nazi propaganda as it seemed veiled defense of Nazi regime; Stoddard dismayed and is endeavoring to change it.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.