The First Edition of the World Nanotechnology Marathon
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IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine
To shape the next generation of nanotechnologists and nanoscientists, especially during and post the Covid-19 pandemic, the teaching and learning paradigms for nanotechnology must change. To this aim, innovative solutions driven by digital tools and new inclusive initiatives have to be proposed. This work reports the experience of the first edition of the World Nanotechnology Marathon organized by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council Young Professionals. Throughout 24 hours, 24 nanotechnology experts inspired the new generation of nanotechnologists as well as experienced professionals in this area, paving the route to a sustainable and active network of nanotechnology young professionals around the world.
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M. B. Lodi et al., "The First Edition of the World Nanotechnology Marathon [Spotlight Column]," in IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 9-12, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/MNANO.2022.3195077.