Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To William Phillips, Washington.

Author(s)Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.en_US
Temporal1935 July 19en_US
Date Accessioned2011-06-15T17:54:52Z
Date Available2011-06-15T17:54:52Z
Publication Date1935-07-19en_US
DescriptionAutomobile accident which took Frau [Herma] Schuschnigg's life but from which Chancellor escaped uninjured thought possibly result of foul play, but no evidence car had been tampered with, and no question of fidelity of chauffer, who was seriously injured; attended informal dinner given by Argentine Chargé two days before accident; Chancellor and wife present, happy and relaxed, and looking forward to holiday; some speculation Chancellor might resign due to severe shock, but he is not a man to let personal grief interfere with performance of duty; hopes U.S. government sent message of sympathy; [Sir Samuel] Hoare's speech in House of Commons and his statements concerning Austria removed any uncertainty about England's support and cleared way for Danubian pacts; doubts date for Rome conference can be set however until Abyssinian question is settled.en_US
Physical MediumTyped Letter Copy, 5 p.en_US
CollectionMSS 109en_US
Other Identifier0528-00en_US
PublisherUniversity of Delaware Library, Museums and Pressen_US
KeywordsMessersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.en_US
TitleMessersmith, G.S., Vienna. To William Phillips, Washington.en_US
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