Messersmith, G.S., Vienna. To William Phillips, Washington.

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University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
Comments on Austrian Cabinet changes; changes made at insistence of [Ernst] von Starhemberg; 4,000 Heimwehr brought into Vienna and von Starhemberg threatened they would occupy government buildings unless changes were made; most significant change that of Finance Minister; [Ludwig] Draxler to replace [Karl] Buresch; Buresch refused to give von Starhemberg money for Heimwehr; Draxler, von Starhemberg's personal attorney, is a brilliant young man, but considered unscrupulous; English disappointed; they believe changes indicate pro-Italian attitude; Italian pressure groups active in Austria; Austrian people as a whole disapprove Italian venture in Abyssinia and resent Italian influence; von Starhemberg still popular however, and may eventually be kicked upstairs into position of President or Regent; position of Foreign Minister somewhat prejudiced by recent events; [Egon Berger-Waldenegg] a clever and amiable man with diplomatic experience, but he has made several mistakes recently; Chancellor's position difficult; under pressure from Heimwehr and Italians, he doesn't want to offend France and England or League; Austrian government fed up with [Franz] von Papen, but fears to ask for his recall in case someone worse takes his place; his actions become more and more outrageous; Berlin friend called at Legation recently; reported situation in Germany no better; Nazi Party made some serious mistakes; during Party rally at Nuremberg, Hitler proclaimed the Hakenkreuz (Swastica) as sole flag of Germany; masters of German vessels and Army unhappy with proclamation; Propaganda Ministry ordered that names of Jews who fell in war no longer appear on war memorials; with regard to U.S. participation in Olympic games, if any had doubts as to discrimination in Germany, recent developments should convince them; discrimination not only against Jews but against all who oppose Nazi policy.
Messersmith, George S. (George Strausser), 1883-1960.