La censura del mundo: la sátira social en La Celestina
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University of Delaware
Esta tesis de maestría examina el papel de la sátira social en La Celestina, una de las obras literarias más significativas de la literatura española de finales del siglo XV. El estudio explora cómo el autor, Fernando de Rojas, emplea la sátira, la parodia y la ironía para elaborar una crítica moralizante de la decadencia de las normas sociales, morales y religiosas de su época, ofreciendo una crítica compleja sobre la naturaleza humana y la sociedad. A través de un análisis detallado de los personajes principales, los diálogos y las técnicas narrativas, la tesis resalta los elementos subversivos y el simbolismo que hacen que la obra cumpla con este propósito. Esta investigación enfatiza el impacto literario y la relevancia cultural de la crítica moralizante que se realiza en La Celestina sobre temas como la jerarquía social, la moralidad, el deseo y la hipocresía.
This master's thesis examines the role of social satire in La Celestina, one of the most significant literary works of Spanish literature from the late 15th century. The study explores how the author, Fernando de Rojas, employs satire, parody, and irony to elaborate a moralizing critique of the social, moral, and religious norms of his time, providing a sharp commentary on the complexities of human nature and society. Through a detailed analysis of key characters, dialogues, and narrative techniques, the thesis highlights the subversive elements and symbolism that make the work meet its purpose. The research aims to shed light on the literary impact and cultural relevance that La Celestina has had and still has. It is a satirical masterpiece that continues to resonate with themes of social hierarchy, morality, desire, and hypocrisy.
This master's thesis examines the role of social satire in La Celestina, one of the most significant literary works of Spanish literature from the late 15th century. The study explores how the author, Fernando de Rojas, employs satire, parody, and irony to elaborate a moralizing critique of the social, moral, and religious norms of his time, providing a sharp commentary on the complexities of human nature and society. Through a detailed analysis of key characters, dialogues, and narrative techniques, the thesis highlights the subversive elements and symbolism that make the work meet its purpose. The research aims to shed light on the literary impact and cultural relevance that La Celestina has had and still has. It is a satirical masterpiece that continues to resonate with themes of social hierarchy, morality, desire, and hypocrisy.
Critica moralizante, La Celestina, Parodia, Sátira social, Simbolismo, Tragicomedia, Literary works