Use Of Routing Procedure To Study Dye And Gas Transport In The West Fork Trinity River, Texas

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Rhodamine-WT dye, ethylene, and propane were injected at three sites along a 21.6-kilometer reach of the West Fork Trinity River below Fort Worth, Texas. Complete dye concentration versus time curves and peak gas concentrations were measured at three cross sections below each injection. The peak dye concentrations were located and samples were collected at about three-hour intervals for as many as six additional cross sections. These data were analyzed to determine the longitudinal dispersion coefficients as well as the gas desorption coefficients using both standard techniques and a numerical routing procedure. The routing procedure, using a Lagrangian transport model to minimize numerical dispersion, provided better estimates of the dispersion coefficient than did the method of moments. At a steady flow of about 0.76 m3/s, the dispersion coefficient varied from about 0.7 m2/s in a reach contained within a single deep pool to about 2.0 m2/s in a reach containing riffles and small pools. The bulk desorption coefficients computed using the routing procedure and the standard peak method were essentially the same. The liquid film coefficient could also be obtained using the routing procedure. Both the bulk desorption coefficient and the liquid film coefficient were much smaller in the pooled reach than in the reaches containing riffles.
Routing Procedure, Study Dye, Gas Transport, West Fork Trinity River, Texas