[page 1] Fernandina Florida Feb 5th 1862, Dear Sister I take this Plesant opertunity to write you a fuw lines to inform you that I am well at present and hope those fuw lines will find you all the Saim I received your leter about the first of this month and was very glad to hear from you George is well and hasent had a leter for a long time he Sais you have forgot him but he sais he will waik you up out a sound sleap when he gets home that will be about eight months I have just [eight] seven months and twenty six days to serve for Uncle Sam [page 2] Whell their has been sevriel boats in hear to day and I think their will be a move made before long towards rebeldom we have been hear just four months to day whell I was down at old town last night with liutenet Cosgrift and Liut Black and Liutenet Nap and Mr Fourest and old Sandres and warick and Scot and Kealey Thaliel and Kealey and Scot and Reynolds and I rowed them down in a litel dug out they went down to a parley we got back about eleven o clock but we caim near up seting two or three times for the boat was very small and the oficer was pruty [page 3] whel how com you so and one of them was stearing and they run us ashore once and we had a big time pushing of again for the mud was prutey deap I reckon that is plenty of that kind of ship so I will have to studey a nother good one like that I don't mean that that was a storey but onley mean to say that my leter is as ful as I can whell get it without teling somthing that is not so and I ges I had beter quit at that you said you had good slaing we have very nice wether hear it aint cold enought to freas a meeni etries bil of yet but we shiver around hear just as [page 4] if it was cold I awnsered Ez leter the second of this month I received his and yours the saim day write soon and let me no hwo goes with Lidie Jane Philips and Lena Ann and Tishey and Lanah Clair and Mrs Calbright and wether Ezra ever goes down to the sea litel magey when you write let me no wou this Anna Mary Moursley is wether she is my sister or brother or eney relation good by I can't always be with you I still remain your brother Pleas write soon and Direct as folows{ Enos W Pierce Compney F 97th Regt P. V. [illegible] Fernandina Florida Via Port Royal S.C.