1862 [page 1] Port Royal S. Carolina December 27th I now take my pen in hand to let you no that I receaved your leter dated Dec 19th yesterday and was verey glad to hear of you bing in good helth as i am at presant I awnsered that other leter that you wrought yesterday and had gust got it in the office when this one caim that sayd you intended [page 2] to start a box of good things to George and I the twenty fourth it will take it about three weaks to get hear for they bring the express on scuners from New York I was thinking about sending word for you to send one for Cristmus but I thought it would be two much bother I have got my gun cleaned verey earley this morning redy for Sunday morning [page 3] Inspectan we have inspectan every Sunday morning and generiel inspectan every two months and sin the pay roals the next day I havent much to say to day onley George received your leter yesterday their is grait tal of us goin to Fernandina Florida but I hope we wont have to go their for the meceaties is so bad [page 4] their that a man cant sleap and they try a boy pruty good with their ling snout Give my best respects to Marey [Mary] Lavina and tel her that i wrought a leter to her about the first of this month aunt Marey [Mary] told me whair she was and that she wished me to wright to her so you sea that I dun so pleas wright soon and tel all of my friends to good by yours truley & sofourth Enos W Pierce [envelope with postage stamp] Mr Elias Pierce of A [missing] Wilmington Del [stamped] PORT ROYAL DEC 29 1862 SC