[page 1] Portsmouth va July 9th 1862 Dear Cousin I received your letter on Sunday last & was happy to hear that ll of you were wel and hope these fu lines wil find stil the same I would have riten sooner but could not for we moved from Suffolk on Sudurday and we have bin kept busy ever since we are about 3 miles from Portsmouth we are encamped in a cornfield the corn was 3 feet high but there is not much there now o do not like this plase as wel as i did at Suffolk the watter has such a bad taste it tastes like sulphur [has] It was the greatest fourth ever i put in we were working all day and all day Sunday to [page 2] we have not got every thing fixed up yet we have sheds to build for our horses to keep the sun of off them we had to dig wels to get good water and then it was nothing to brag of we are about 20 miles nearer home the Capt says he expect to stay here for some time but i think he does not know anything about it for we a likely to be called a way any time I have not heared any thing from George and Eenos for a long time nor Peter the last i heard of the 4 Regiment it was at the white house landing we [hard] had a gust last night it made the air cool and pleasand Twil have to bring my [page 3] letter to a close for time wil not permit me to write any longer for i have to go work on the sheds to put the horses in I am wel and hope this letter wil find you the same give my respects to all inquiring friends No more at presant but remain your Cousin Direct as you see Wm H Pierce 1st Del Battery Portsmouth va in care of Capt B Shields