[page 1] Apriel the 4 1862 Jacksonville State of Florida Dear Sister I now take the presant opertunety to wright you A few linds to let you no that we are all well at presant and hoping theas few linds will find you all the Same it has beenso long sence Ie have hurd from you that I have most forgot wair we was when I roat to you befor I roat to leters home from Fernendina florida and one sence I came hear I sent [twenty] thirty four dolors of A check home about the twelvth of march I havent got eney awnser yet [page 2] I would like to hear from it befor long it is verey warm hear now and mesceaties and fleas bother us verey much at night this is A midling nice place their is A heap of shaid treis in the woods and good meney in the town the town is in tirely ruounded by woods and swamp this is A delisushes or A most dam fine place espaciley for mesceats and I will turn out Fernandina out against the world for fleas and warsaw sound ilent against all the places for alegators and wild hog this is the third town I have buin in sence I have [got] had A leter [page 3] from eney of you I thought I had got so far away that A leter could not get to me how about the Mafs good ley and you and the calf cow and cows tail that is A prutey good Joke on you gals if reports is true ask [tu] Fursey if she has lost her speach for I dont hear her say eney thing I must bring my leter to A close I send my love to you all all at pesant but wright soon and often yours truley good by Enos W Pierce Direct in care of Capt D C Lewis Co F 97th Redgt P V Port Royal SC direct their hear is A kis kiss for that goodley gal [page 4] Enos W Pierce [envelope] Soldiers letter G. Pennypacker Major 97. P.V. Mr Elias Pierce of Aaron Wilmington P.V. Delaware [stamped] Port Royal APR 10 S.C. [stamped] Due 3