[page 1] Morises island [Morris Island] S.C July the 21 1863 Dear father I take this opertunity to let you no that we are all well at present and hope these fiew lines will find you the same we are laing on moris [Morris] Island we are so close to Fort Sumpter [Sumter] that we cant get eny closer till we get more [heavly] heavy guns planted then I think Sumpter [Sumter] will fall I helped draw marter last night within a mile and a half of Sumpter [Sumter] and [page 2] Within a half a mile of Fort [walgner] Wagner we have about twenty guns mounted close to the rebbels works wich they no nothing about they say that Fort Sumpter [Sumter] can throw a shell a mile to our rear but I hant saw hur do it yet the rebbels say that if we take Fort Wagner Charleston is ours our forces has tride to storm it twice but got beat back with heavy losses if their is to be a nother storm made our bigade will have it to do but I hardley [page 3] think ginrel [General] Gilmore will try to storm it again we have it midlen hard now but I will go through all I can for the sake of taken Charleston if I onley had the means I think I could write you a midlen good letter I had to beg this paper pencil and invelip we left eavrey thing behind but our gun blankets we have bin laing out for about two or three weaks without eny shelter onley our blanke[word runs off the page] Enos is goen to send [page 4] you some money to I must bring this to a close hoping by the next letter I can say Charleston is ours I am very neer shure it will be ours though I may go under before we concer no more at present I still remain you son G K Pierce to Elias Pierce of Aaron Write soon and let me no wether you git the check or not.