[page 1] Fernandina Florida December 18th, 1863 Dear Brother I take this plesant opertunety to write to you a fiew linds to inform you that we are well at present and hope those fiew linds will find you all the saim I received you leter a fiew days ago and was very glad to hear from you of being well and of having so much fun hunting racoons and posems I showed the leter to George it maid him laf whenn he saw wheir you said druer would of kiled the coon if it hadent got away this is a pruty sharp morning my fingers is pruty coald now [page 2] I saw an acount in the papers whair it said that all of the three years solgers was to have thirtey dolars of their bountey if we get that I can send fiftey the next time we get paid and that ought to be the midel of next month I wrought a leter to Pap a fiew days ago and said in it that I would send ten dolars but I forgot to put it in the leter whell I must close for this time I will try and writed mor the next time you very truley from Enos W Pierce Adress Fernandina Fla 97th Re PV Co F Pleas write soon